Saturday, January 10, 2009

me being me.....

so, i have discovered about myself that i have a very addictive personality. can't take things in small doses. and everything must be in its own order. for example, the new season of heroes came out in september, instead of just watching the new season, i go back to the beginning of season 1 and start all over. this way, hopefully, when the rest of season 3 comes out i can just watch it all at once. i have no patience. doing the same thing with lost as well. then i found this show called jericho, it was canceled halfway thru the second season. have i stopped watching it, no, just keep right on trucking. i do the same thing with ncis. i mean what is the issue with me. some would even call it a little ocd. i do the same things with books as well, if its a series i am all about starting at the beginning and going to the end. let me tell you a story. harry potter books, i didn't start reading them til the 3rd one came out, then when each new book hit the shelves, i would take the time to read them all before the new book was sold. i'd finish it the day before, buy the new book and stay up all night reading the book til i was completely finished. goes on sale at midnight, read for however long it takes to finish the book. 7, 8, or 9 hours. it didn't matter. i mean that's not right or normal. something is really wrong with me. but, then again, if that's all i've got to bitch about, wtf. i should probably just shut up.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

just wanted to stop in and say hi to the world in general. i have 11 weeks before i leave for austria. where has the time gone? in the meantime, i have rehearsals every week, concerts out the wazoo, still have to work my regular office job and work at the bar. this means that i will not be socializing anytime soon. probably not til after may is over. i have got to learn how to say no. it's as simple as that. but my music is very hard for me to deny. oh well, no use bitchin about it, no one wants to hear about it anyway.

so, that's the end of today. tomorrow, is show night at the bar, and the weekend is open for who knows what? we will see what my schedule brings. i'm just glad the holiday's are over. i'm worn out by all the festivities.